Santa Cruz Friends Meeting
Quakers believe that if you want to find out what God has to say, you need to listen. So we spend a lot of time listening in quiet prayer. That quiet prayer time, which can happen anywhere is the heart of the Quaker religious experience.
We are an
Open and Affirming Unprogrammed
Quaker Meeting
Everyone is Welcome
We meet in person every Sunday at 10:30.
Masks and vaccinations are no longer required.
After Meeting there is a time for socializing with refreshments. If you’re visiting please stay so we can meet you.
Zoom Meeting for Worship: 2nd Sunday at 10:30. If you’re visiting for the first time, please log on 5 minutes early to introduce yourself to the host.
Business Meeting (hybrid): the second Sunday of the month at 12:30. The Zoom login is the same. Everyone is welcome.
Sunday Meetings
Meeting for Worship
Join us Sundays at 10:30 at the Meetinghouse. After meeting please stay for refreshments. We’d like to get to know you.
Worship Sharing
We meet every Third Sunday at 9:30 am in the Library for Worship Sharing on Advices and Queries. Next meeting 3/16 Query Harmony with Creation.
Join us for hymns Sunday at 9:45 when Alice is there to play. See schedule on calendar and look in the weekly blast.
Business Meeting
On the second Sunday of most months (April 13) we meet at 12:30 to conduct our Business. Everyone is welcome in person and by zoom.
Zoom Meeting
Zoom meeting for worship is on the second Sunday at 10:30. If you’re new, be sure to check in five minutes early to introduce yourself to the host
News & Events
Bring socks and toiletries to Meetinghouse Sundays in November and December. Or donate online https://www.afcsantacruz.org/give.html.
Watch video of Tribal members of the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan saying what Homeland return means to them.