What’s Been Happening
Socks for People in Need (SPIN)
Bring socks and toiletries to Meetinghouse Sundays in November and December. Or donate online https://www.afcsantacruz.org/give.html.
Holiday Party December 18, 6:15 at Meetinghouse
Come, bring family and friends, potluck, card-making, singing.
June 23 Update on Homeland Return (Woolman Property)
Following a Leading- Homeland Return presentation by Nancy and Hans
May 26, 12:15-1:15 Rabbi Paula Marcus
A talk/slide show about her recent journey in Israel and Palestine
April 19 8:30-10 am EVN presents Dr. Faiza Darkhana of Afghanistan
A dialogue on Climate Action and Women in Afghanistan- Zoom
Homeland Return Update
Watch video of Tribal members of the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan saying what Homeland return means to them.