What’s Been Happening
April 12th, 9-4, 2025 Spring Gathering
Joint retreat with Palo Alto, San Jose, Monterey, and LIve Oak Meetings
Socks for People in Need (SPIN)
Bring socks and toiletries to Meetinghouse Sundays in November and December. Or donate online https://www.afcsantacruz.org/give.html.
Holiday Party December 18, 6:15 at Meetinghouse
Come, bring family and friends, potluck, card-making, singing.
June 23 Update on Homeland Return (Woolman Property)
Following a Leading- Homeland Return presentation by Nancy and Hans
May 26, 12:15-1:15 Rabbi Paula Marcus
A talk/slide show about her recent journey in Israel and Palestine
April 19 8:30-10 am EVN presents Dr. Faiza Darkhana of Afghanistan
A dialogue on Climate Action and Women in Afghanistan- Zoom
Homeland Return Update
Watch video of Tribal members of the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan saying what Homeland return means to them.