March 20-23 Friends World Committee for Consultation of the Americas free online registration
The theme of the event is "Building the Future as Way Opens," with speakers from North, Central & South America and workshops centering on this theme of experimentation. Santa Cruz Meeting members Keenan Lorenzato and Karen Warren will be attending in Scottsdale as part of the Quaker Connect cohort.
Information about the schedule and speakers here. Register for online participation (free) here.
ISAIAH 43:19
Now it emerges; can you not see it?
Yes, I am making a road in the desert and rivers in the wasteland”
*In the Americas, the Quaker community extends from the Arctic to the Andes, spanning a rich diversity of regional cultures, beliefs and styles of worship. Answering God's call to universal love, Friends World Committee for Consultation (FWCC) brings Friends of varying traditions and cultural experiences together in worship, communications and consultation, to express our common heritage and our Quaker message to the world.