Serving the Community

Santa Cruz Friends Meeting is pleased to offer our facilities to the Santa Cruz community for non-profit uses aligned with Quaker principles. Currently our building is used by twenty different 12-step and other support groups. We request a donation in return to help us maintain the building.

We are part of the Association of Faith Communities AFC - a coalition made up of nearly 40 faith communities working to alleviate suffering for those experiencing homelessness

Our Meeting provides food and shelter three nights a month for the Faith Community Shelter — a nightly transitional shelter for 20 participants who rotate daily from site to site and meet for fellowship with our volunteer cooks each evening

Faith Community Shelter

As part of the Safe Spaces program we provide up to six parking spaces a night for individuals living in their vehicles.

Safe Spaces

Wednesday Night Food Giveaway

For over 25 years we have hosted a food giveaway in our parking lot on Wednesday night a half hour after the close of the Santa Cruz Farmers Market

Community use Calendar

If your group is interested in using the Meetinghouse facilities, please read the Meetinghouse Use Agreement.

Then email Mimi, the Meetinghouse Use Coordinator at or call her at 831-588-5414